Great Lakes Dental Excellence is a modern and well-equipped dental clinic dealing with comprehensive treatment and care for the health of each patient. We offer a full range of dental services for your entire family. The dental chair is no longer the dreadful concept we often fear, resulting in many patients postponing as simple visits as your regular cleanings and exams. At Great Lakes Dental Excellence, our highly skilled and qualified team strives to improve your oral health in the most comfortable and pain-free way, utilizing state-of-the-art dental technologies and the latest research along the way. Your dental experience matters to us in the same way your oral health matters to you, and by combining comfort, convenience, and groundbreaking treatment solutions, we can help you regain your beautiful smile. Let’s work together and get your dental affairs in order!
Our dental team offers innovative solutions to maintaining and improving your smile. We provide treatment for all patients, educating your family about the importance of a healthy dentition and helping you achieve all of your oral goals. Our comprehensive dental care includes dental cleanings and exams once every six months and a wide selection of appropriate dental restorations ranging from simple fillings to dental implants. Our treatment lineup includes root canal treatment, oral surgery, such as extractions, periodontic therapy, and much more.
Whatever the reason you were avoiding a dental chair, we do not care. All we want is to provide you with the best dental care you and your family deserve. If you are transitioning your care or are looking for a new dental home, we will happily welcome you into our family. Call today to schedule an appointment!
Our digital X-rays and impressions are designed for the comfort of our patients.
No dental insurance? No problem. Dental care is affordable with our interest-free financing options.
Our digital scans eliminate unpleasant, goopy impression material while increasing accuracy.
Your records are safe at our digital, paperless, and eco-friendly dental office. Protected health information is guaranteed.
Our team is made up of caring, helpful, and knowledgeable individuals that offer gentle dental care. Customer service at its finest.
Our team is trained to not only treat oral health problems but also provide top preventative services.